Here are links to Mike Berdine's photos and Julie and Larry Sherwin's photos.
NBTV Video - For full screen click on the small box in the lower right corner of the frame.
ALYC "Old Glory" Boat Parade
July 4th, 2017 – 1:00pm -3:30pm
Starts off Collins Island and proceeds through-out Newport Harbor. Here is a link to the parade map.
Parade Theme: "America - Where Freedom Sails"
Boaters are invited to decorate their boats and participate.
-- Boat parade registration is FREE --.
Registration is free and can be done through the link on this page. To volunteer to help with or get more information about the parade, contact Vice Commodore Douglas Green.
Winners will be announced at the Awards Banquet on Sunday, July, 23rd at 6:30 pm.
Tentative Post 291 schedule of activities:
7:00-11:00am Pancake Breakfast
12:00-5:00pm Lunch Buffet
1:00-3:30pm Old Glory Boat Parade
1:00-5:00pm Rock music
5:00-9:00pm Jazz music
9:00-10:00pm Fireworks
Cost: TBD
$ Breakfast Only (Open to the Public)
$ Lunch, Dancing & Fireworks
$ Breakfast, Lunch, Dancing & Fireworks