guest dock policy

American Legion Yacht Club and American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291 have approximately 70 feet of guest dock space, limited to vessels of no more than 8 feet in draft and 14 feet of beam.  The first vessel entering must go in as far forward as possible, leaving the remaining dock space available for other vessels.

Note:  During some special American Legion and American Legion Yacht Club events (Opening Day, Fourth of July, Sail for the Visually Impaired, etc.), access to the guest dock is closed to all except specifically authorized participating vessels.

Authorized Users

Members of the following organizations are authorized to reserve and use the guest dock:

  • American Legion Newport Harbor Post 291
  • American Legion Yacht Club
  • Reciprocating Yacht Clubs

Others may be authorized to use the guest dock if engaged in activities or duties related to the betterment of the American Legion or the American Legion Yacht Club.

COVID-19 Update:  Please note that we are currently permitting overnight reservations on the dock across weekends. 

Daytime Docking Policy

Overnight Docking Policy – Sunday through Thursday

Overnight Docking Policy – Friday and Saturday

© 2019 American Legion Yacht Club

215 15th Street, Newport Beach, CA, 92663

(949) 673-5002 - Yacht Club Office

(949) 673-5070 - Guest Dock Reservations

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