club crew

The Club Crew is a dedicated group of volunteers who support the American Legion Yacht Club in numerous ways. They provide essential administrative assistance during major events such as the Commodore's Ball, Easter Egg Hunt, Opening Day, and the 4th of July (Make-A-Wish). Additionally, they handle food service for the Sundowner Monday Night Race series and coordinate additional catering when needed for other events.

Club Crew meetings take place at 6:00 pm before each ALYC general membership meeting, either in the Fireside Room or the Main Hall of Post 291. The Club Crew welcomes and relies on new volunteers. If you are interested in joining, please contact us.

Joany Berdine is the Chairperson of the Club Crew for 2024 and her email address is

© 2019 American Legion Yacht Club

215 15th Street, Newport Beach, CA, 92663

(949) 673-5002 - Yacht Club Office

(949) 673-5070 - Guest Dock Reservations

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